Traditional Chinese Medicine
Acupuncture originated as part of the Traditional Chinese Medical System. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is one of the world's oldest medical systems and it is the true forefather of "holistic medicine." This system is based on the view that health is determined by proper flow and balance of a person's vital energy, or “qi.” This life force energy flows throughout the body along channels called meridians.
Thoughts and emotions influence the proper flow of energy which impacts physiology. Smoothing the flow of energy through acupuncture profoundly reduces stress and gets the nervous system out of fight or flight into restoration mode.
Acupuncture treatment involves the (virtually) painless insertion of very fine needles shallowly into the skin. The points chosen by the practitioner are located along specific meridians throughout the body. Acupuncture first became known for its effectiveness in treating pain; but now, acupuncture has been well studied and proven effective in treating a hundreds of conditions both physical and mental-emotional.