Energy Medicine
How Does Energy Medicine Work?
The way in which energetic inputs affect changes at a cellular level is actually similar to the way pharmaceuticals work. Most of us are aware that there are receptors on cell membranes which are activated by substances such as hormones, adrenaline or insulin, for example. Cellular biologist, Bruce Lipton, points out that there are also receptors which are sensitive to energy of various frequencies. Exposure to specific types of energetic inputs can influence the way the cell “does business,” including how it replicates itself.
The main difference between therapies such as medications and energy based therapies is the delivery system. We all know that medicines we take orally or by injection reach their target cells via the bloodstream. Carried in the blood, they actually reach all parts of the body, creating reactions other than in the targeted area, which we call “side effects.”
The delivery system for energy therapies is the connective tissue, which we also call fascia. Connective tissue is pervasive; it wraps and protects our bones, organs, muscles, nerves, and blood vessels, maintaining their structural integrity. By electron flows through the fascia as well as proton flows through the layers of water organized by the fascia, all parts of the body stay connected to all other parts of the body, virtually instantaneously.
The field of Solid State Biochemistry has discovered an interesting feature of proteins, such as the collagen fibers that form the fascia. They function as semi-conductors, conducting both energy and information, in the case of the body, this means information about how the various body parts and systems work and inter-relate.
Acupuncture is a system of diagnosis and treatment of both musculo-skeletal and internal medical disorders which has been refined over thousands of years of clinical practice in China and throughout the Orient. Acupuncture uses specific lines of energy, the so-called “meridians,” within the fascia where the energetic flows are particularly concentrated. Each acupuncture point along the acupuncture meridians has a local effect as well as indications for more distant locations, organs or body parts. The theory is that the channels which start in the superficial fascia beneath the skin dive ever deeper while branching further and further such that they eventually reach the cellular level. This explanation of how needling specific points just beneath the skin can affect much deeper structures is consistent with what we now know about connective tissue which forms a continuous matrix throughout the body, is connected to the cell membrane, and continuous with the cytoskeleton of the cells.
Most energy therapies, such as Reiki and Chakra Balancing techniques, emphasize the transference of energy itself through the practitioner to the client, with the result being an immediate feeling of overall wellbeing which lasts from several hours to several days. In recent times, energy systems, notably BodyTalk, have been developed which actually impart intelligence to body systems which have been functioning abnormally. BodyTalk has been known to set in motion repair and restoration which may continue for months. Due to both its instant as well as long lasting effects, BodyTalk is a tremendously powerful tool for healing. BodyTalk is a great choice for sustaining positive change in your overall well-being.