

Synchronize Your Body, Mind, and Spirit

BodyTalk is a holistic therapy that allows the body's energy systems to be re-synchronized so they can operate as nature intended. Each system, cell, and atom is in constant communication with each other at all times. Through exposure to the stresses of day-to-day life, however, these lines of communication can become compromised or disconnected, which then leads to a decline in physical, emotional and/or mental well-being. Reconnecting these lines of communication enables the body's internal mechanisms to function at optimal levels, thus repairing and preventing disease while rapidly accelerating the healing process. In this way, BodyTalk stimulates the body's innate ability to balance and heal itself on all levels.


Wondering what a BodyTalk Balance might look like?  

 Here is a session I did for someone around the theme of Taking Initiative… 

 “I know you would like to get moving on some things.  The most important parts of your body/mind/spirit/environment to be to balanced to achieve your goal are contained in the following three formulas.

 The first formula starts with Active (unresolved) Memories of trying things and being put down or ridiculed as a child.  That links to your Heart which has been shy to commit to things to this point for fear of not completing them.  Next, we link to the Second Chakra, the fire in the belly, for the necessary fuel to stay the course; and lastly, we link to a specific acupuncture meridian, the Du Mai or Governing Vessel, to give you the spine (so to speak) to do whatever you need or want to do in your life or work.

 The next formula starts with one of my favorites which shifts your consciousness from Motivation to Enthusiasm. When this kicks in, it feels like you can practically effortlessly do things without having to dredge up the motivation to “make it happen.”  Life is a lot more joyful when lived this way.  We link that Consciousness piece to the Adrenals, particularly focusing on having them turn on and off appropriately so you have the energy for accomplishment without feeling like you are "spinning your wheels."

 The third formula starts with turning on the Chong Mai meridian which energizes your core and keeps you from feeling overextended and overwhelmed. This links to Emotional Wei Qi (protective energy) so you don't feel so knocked out of balance by other people's emotions and get Switched or Frozen which is the next link.  Finally, we balance hormones by connecting to the master gland, the Pituitary.  I look forward to hearing about your successes in Taking Initiative!”