Spirit Medicine


Recover Lost Energy

In Spirit Medicine, the shamanic practitioner relaxes her focus on the material world to allow her self to perceive a world of subtle energy. She then invites a trans-personal force, which may appear as an angel, a deity, animal or elemental spirit, to assist in healing work on behalf of her client. Whatever the practitioner perceives during such an intervention has symbolic significance. For example, the practitioner might perceive a peacock eating “bugs” as a way of focusing the client’s immune system on devouring illness-causing viruses or bacteria.

Spirit Medicine offers truly unique solutions such as helping shift a client to a Timeline of greater possibility… or Soul Retrieval, in which a part of a person’s psyche which may have split off during a particularly traumatic event is restored. This reunion of a person with part of his/her essential life essence often has a significant positive affect on health. Recipients of Spirit Medicine often report feeling more integrated and his/her life begins to “come together” in wonderful way.